Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away (3)

Tuesday, about supper time.  Rain is up to 5.5 cm.  The road to Williams Lake is connected—if you have a tall truck with 4-wheel drive, and if you are willing to be escorted by a Highways car with special CB, and if you are willing to wait for the escort times either early in the morning going up The Hill or at 4 pm coming down The Hill.   The road along the Valley and on The Hill and along the Chilcotin Plateau is very fragile in places so the big transport trucks are not allowed on it yet; food and goods will be coming in by barge to Bella Coola, and by small trucks from Williams Lake to the small towns along the Chilcotin Plateau.   All along the coast there are storms.  All over the world it is monsoon season.  Soon the snows begin.

1 comment:

  1. But what a gorgeous part of the world!! We have been having a remarkably warm fall here, sat out around the campfire to midnight in shirt sleeves. But winter is on the way no doubt. Then we will get to shovel our precipitation.
